Many legal forms (Power of Attorney, Living Will) can be completed without professional help. However, if you have a complex situation or questions, it’s a good idea to seek legal advice and services from an attorney specializing in elder law.
Elder Law focuses on disability planning, guardianship, estate planning, and other legal issues that typically affect older adults.
If you have a family attorney, he or she may be able to refer you to an elder law attorney. Other resources include:
- The Florida Academy of Elder Law Attorneys at
- A local senior resource center at
When you meet with your lawyer be sure to talk to your lawyer about the following key issues as well as any other concerns you may have:
- Options for health care and long-term care decision-making for the person living with dementia
- Options for managing the individual’s personal care and property
- Possible coverage of long-term care services, including what is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, veteran benefits and other long-term care insurance.
The laws vary from state to state; make sure you understand your local laws and have any out-of-state documents updated in your new state.
Questions? The Law Office of Debra Simms is here to help. Call us today 386.256.4882
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