One of the services that I offer my clients is a Living Will. This document is a legal declaration of what type of care your wish to have if you are in the end stage of life and there is no medical probability of recovery.
Many of my clients struggle with this document-typically it is because they cannot decide whether they would want a feeding tube or artificial hydration at the end stage.
Here are some common myths that contribute to this difficult decision along with the response of Tani Bahti, nurse:
Myth: If people don’t eat, they should get a feeding tube or they will starve to death.
The needs of the body and its ability to process food changes in the final months of life. People do not die because they are not eating, but rather they do not eat because they are dying. Complications due to forced feeding and the use of tube feedings can actually hasten dying.
Myth: Not drinking leads to painful dehydration.
Natural dehydration is comfortable and releases endorphins which promote comfort. Unlike in a healthy person, providing artificial fluids near the end of life may actually increase discomfort. Natural dehydration results in less chance of nausea and vomiting, swelling, and lung congestion.
Call the Law Offices of Debra G. Simms at 386.256.4882 to learn more.
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