Divorce after retirement
Over recent years, the rate of divorce after retirement has become more and more prominent. Statistics from the Office of National Statistics show that the overall rate of divorce in the United States is dropping – in every age group except those over 60. This may come as a surprise to some, but for those of us who work in a profession that deals with divorce – attorneys- it is not that shocking. Many of those getting divorced at this late stage have children who have grown up and left the home. They have been married for somewhere around 30 to 40 years.
Influences on late-stage divorce are various. One is the longer life expectancy seniors in the United States are experiencing. In 1955, life expectancy was around 70 years, but today both men and women are living nearly two decades longer. Because of this, many are choosing to divorce for their golden years. This is closely tied into a second influence, feelings of personal fulfillment andhappiness. Seniors may feel that they are in an unhappy marriage, and as retirement offers more years to enjoy themselves, they are more likely to divorce instead of staying in the relationship.
Senior women feel more independent
Another influence may be the changing role of senior women. Senior women feel more independent after their children have “left the nest” and are looking to forge their own identity and enjoy life. They may have achieved financial independence. Some women also report that they need to escape the “retired husband syndrome”. Women complain that they feel as if they are trapped with husbands who are now at home all the time just when they have just finished raising their children. Whatever the reason, it is clear that divorce for those who have retired will remain steady for some time to come.
At the Law Office of Debra G. Simms, we assist seniors who are going through divorce. We offer collaborative divorce for those couples who are able to agree on most issues. For those couples facing conflict, we aggressively represent both men and fight hard to obtain the best possible legal outcome.
If you have any questions about divorcing in your senior years, contact us now.