Consider the following as you make your plans.
- Consult with a Florida Bar Board Certified Elder Law Attorney. Many attorneys offer an initial free consultation for estate planning matters.
- Those named in your Durable Power of Attorney should be aware of the document and have access to the document.
- The person with dementia should name a successor (back-up) agent for the power of attorney in the event the agent may be unable to act. (Illness, resignation, death)
- Once a power of attorney for health care document and a living will is in place, give copies to the person’s health care providers and agents.
- Consider choosing an attorney or a corporate trustee (bank or broker) to manage the individual’s estate if the person lacks a trusted individual with time or expertise.
- The person with dementia should discuss his or her wishes with the chosen agent to make sure the agent is comfortable carrying those wishes out.
Questions? The Law Office of Debra Simms is here to help. Call us today 386.256.4882
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