Key elements of an estate plan:
An experienced estate attorney can develop personalized strategies and documents that meet your needs. This could include a:
- Will. A legal document that defines the distribution of your property and the care of any minor children.
- Revocable trust. A legal entity created for ownership of your assets. You can change or end your revocable trust at any time.
- Power of attorney. A legal document giving a person you choose the ability to make decisions for property, finances, and/or medical care when you are unable to do so.
- Healthcare directive. Written documentation of your health care wishes for when you cannot communicate them yourself.
- Beneficiary designations. A will does not supersede beneficiary designations in determining who receives your assets after you die. For that reason, all financial accounts (regardless of size) should have beneficiaries named — and updated over time, as needed.
HIPAA authorization. Allows health care providers to discuss your medical condition/health information with family members or others you choose.
Call the Law Offices of Debra G. Simms at 386.256.4882 to learn more. We are currently offering free consultations via video conference to assist you with your needs.
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